Fat itself is a serious health threat, particularly in small animals like our beloved cats. We don’t do our cats – or our wallets – any favours by letting the cats in our lives accumulate fat.
Killer Chronic Inflammation – fat cells produce toxic compounds (adipokines) which cause chronic inflammation and damage all over the body
Decreased Life Expectancy – pets kept at a lean body mass live an average of 2 years longer and had fewer medical problems. Fat cats suffer more health issues and live shorter lives
Osteoarthritis – overloaded joints break down cartilage leading to arthritis but it also appears the adipokines produced by fat tissue compound the problem.
Diabetes – obesity leads to diabetes and insulin resistance in many cats, especially Burmese cats
Kidney Disease – excess weight in cats leads to high blood pressure, which can directly affect the kidney.
Respiratory Disease – trying to breath with excess fat along the chest wall and abdomen is like having a heavy bag pushing down on your chest. It alters the normal breathing pattern and reduces overall activity.
Cancer – Obesity causes increased cancer rates in mice and men. Not enough studies have been done on cats to confirm the linkage in cats – but it’s only a matter of time.