Blog News

18 August, 2015

Gastro virus spreading north

Vets at Canberra Cat Vet are urging cat owners, especially those with kittens less than 12 months old to check their vaccination records. They should have had vaccinations against Panleukopaenia virus, also known as Feline Enteritis, at approximately 8, 12 and 16 weeks old with a booster at about 15 months of age. Panleukopaenia virus, has spread north from Melbourne to Mildura. Vets in Mildura diagnosed the virus in a litter of 5 month old kittens and a 12 month old male cat. The virus will continue to advance through inadequately vaccinated cats. The virus causes severe diarrhoea, collapse of the immune system, fever and dehydration. There is no cure but some cats survive with supportive treatment. The vaccine is very effective as long as kittens have had the last of their boosters from about 14-16 weeks of age.
18 August, 2015

Save the date

Oliver invites all cat lovers to Canberra Cat Vet's second open night on Friday, 23rd October, 5.30pm. Look behind the scenes at a cat hospital, meet cat sitters and boarding establishment owners, chat with our vets and nurses, meet other cat lovers, and learn about cat enclosures, flea control, cat (mis)behaviour, pet insurance, dental disease, cat toys. Join us for drinks and nibbles while you browse the stalls. Oliver's official photographer will be judging cutest and funniest cat photos - competition opens early October. Watch Facebook for details.
13 August, 2015

5 Reasons for Routine Vet Visits