Desexing, or speying, a female cat is major abdominal surgery. The ovaries and uterus are removed under a general anaesthetic.
At Canberra Cat Vet we take great care to ensure that your cat is as comfortable and safe as possible before, during and after the surgery.
Included in the fee for a spey is an admission examination and discussion of her general health. Pain prevention is given before, during and after surgery. We also send her home with pain relief for you to mix in her food over the following few days.
Before her anaesthetic we give her a sedative and handle her as quietly and gently as possible to reassure her. Intravenous fluids are essential to protect cats' fragile kidneys and to ensure a smooth and rapid recovery. She has a fully qualified nurse monitor her with special cat-sized monitors while under the anaesthetic.
The operation is performed in a special operating theatre under aseptic conditions using sterilised equipment and individually wrapped suture materials and scalpel blades.
A nurse stays with your cat until she is fully awake and sitting up. We then offer her a meal and lots of cuddles.
When you come to pick her up in the afternoon we give you postoperative instructions and answer any questions you might have. Please phone us if you are unsure about any aspect of the home care or instructions. We book a post-operative check with your vet about 3 days later.